Loading screen preceding page change

I've been searching everywhere and can't find a good tutorial on how to smoothly transition pages when clicking a link on my website. I want the page to fade out on click, display a preloader, then fade in the new page once the preloader finishes. Take a look at for an example.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


 <div id="preloader">
     <div id="status">&nbsp;</div>


    $(window).load(function() { // ensures entire site is loaded
        $("#status").fadeOut(); // fades out loading animation
        $("#preloader").delay(350).fadeOut("slow"); // fades out white DIV covering website


 #preloader {
        background-color:#fff; /* change color if needed */
        z-index:99; /* keeps it on top */

 #status {
        left:50%; /* centers loading animation horizontally */
         top:50%; /* centers loading animation vertically */
         background-image:url(../img/status.gif); /* path to loading animation */
         margin:-100px 0 0 -100px; /* centers it */

Answer №1

The website referenced in your example, , seems to be utilizing an AngularJS or a similar framework. Specifically, the site is designed on a single page, eliminating the "white flash" effect that occurs when navigating to a new page.

If you want to maintain the current framework of your application, you can implement an ajax request to dynamically fetch new page content. Upon successful retrieval, the ajax method can update the existing page content, replicating the functionality of your current $(window).onload() function.

One approach could be:

function LinkClick(){

  // display loading image and backdrop

  // initiate the ajax request for the new content
  $("#div-to-be-replaced").load("ajax/page-you-want-to-show.html", function(){

A similar result can be achieved using jQuery.ajax() or other related functions. Refer to http://api.jquery.com/load/ and http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/ for more information.

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