Limit the number of words in an HTML input box

Is it possible to set a maximum word limit for a textbox that a user can input, rather than limiting the number of characters?
I did some research and discovered a way to determine the number of words a user has entered using regular expressions, but I'm unsure how to prevent them from entering more words once the limit is reached.

var jobValue = document.getElementsById('textBox1').value
var words = jobValue.value.match(/\S+/g).length;
   //stop inputs

I want to restrict the number of words to 2.


function wordLimit(){
       var jobValue = document.getElementById('wordIntent').value
       var words = jobValue.value.split(/\s+/);
       var maxWords = 2; 
       var numWords = words.length;
       if(numWords > maxWords){
<input type="text" id="wordIntent" onkeydown="wordLimit()" > 

Answer №1

To implement word limit functionality, you can add an event listener to each input field and monitor the number of words being entered.

  • Identify inputs with word limits
  • Iterate through the list of input fields
  • Attach an event listener to each input
  • Determine the word count using the onkeydown event
  • If the maximum word limit is reached, prevent further input of spaces
  • Allow input of other characters if the word limit has not been reached

// Select inputs with word limits
document.querySelectorAll('input[data-max-words]').forEach(input => {
  // Retrieve the word limit for the input
  let maxWords = parseInt(input.getAttribute('data-max-words') || 0)
  // Add event listener to monitor key inputs
  input.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
    let target = e.currentTarget
    // Calculate word count in the input
    let words = target.value.split(/\s+/).length
    // Prevent space input if word limit is exceeded
    if (!target.getAttribute('data-announce'))
      words >= maxWords && e.keyCode == 32 && e.preventDefault()
      words >= maxWords && e.keyCode == 32 && (e.preventDefault() || alert('Word Limit Reached'))
<p><input type="text" data-max-words="2" data-announce="true"></p>
<p><input type="text" data-max-words="3"></p>
<p><input type="text" data-max-words="4"></p>
<p><textarea data-max-words="100" rows="5" style="width:100%" data-announce="true"></textarea></p>

Answer №2

To retrieve the content of the textbox, you can split it into an array based on spaces and then determine the number of items in the array:

// Creating an event handler for a cancelable event and preventing excessive data entry
// from being input into the textbox
document.getElementById("input").addEventListener("keypress", function(evt){

  // Splitting the textbox value into an array based on one or more continuous spaces
  var words = this.value.split(/\s+/);
  var numWords = words.length;    // Determining the number of words in the array
  var maxWords = 2;
  // If the word limit is reached and the key pressed is not BACKSPACE or DELETE,
  // restrict any further input
  if(numWords > maxWords){
    evt.preventDefault(); // Cancel the event
<input type="text" id="input">

Answer №3

If you're looking for a useful script to control the words allowed in an input or textarea, I've got you covered. This function is flexible and lets you set limits on the words accepted for a given input or textarea.

Check out the JavaScript code below:

function wordLimit(inp, limit){
    var val = inp.value
    var words = val.split(/\s+/);
    var legal = "";
    for(i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
        if(i < limit) {
            legal += words[i] + " ";
        if(i >= limit) {
            inp.value = legal.trim();

And here's how you can implement it in your HTML:

<input type="text" name="two-words" onkeyup="wordLimit(this, 2);">
<textarea name="ten-words" onkeyup="wordLimit(this, 10);"></textarea>

Answer №4

To ensure that the number of words in a textarea does not exceed the specified limit, you can compare the maximum allowable words with the current words inputted.

One way to determine the current number of words is to utilize a regular expression like the following:

currentWords = $('#inputArea').val().split(/[\s]+/);

You can then monitor for the backspace or delete key presses to enable users to correct any errors in the input.

For instance, you can implement the following logic:

var maxWords = 5, currentWords; // Maximum number of words allowed
$('#inputArea').keydown(function(e) {    
    currentWords = $('#inputArea').val().split(/[\s]+/);
    if (currentWords.length > maxWords) { 
        if (e.keyCode == 46 || e.keyCode == 8) { // Allowing backspace and delete functionality
    } else if (e.keyCode < 48 || e.keyCode > 57) { // Disabling other key presses

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