Leveraging personalized styles in Kendo UI

Currently, I am utilizing the robust Kendo UI HTML Framework within my web application for its exceptional support of MVVM functionality.

While I appreciate the convenience that Kendo offers with MVVM, I am in need of a solution that allows me to leverage the flexibility of Kendo MVVM without solely relying on Kendo Widgets. In other words, I am looking to directly bind the observable objects provided by Kendo to HTML elements like divs and tables.

For instance, if I have a datasource object within the kendo.observable view model, let's say viewModel.dtSource, I can easily connect it to a Kendo Grid as demonstrated in the code snippet below:

    dataSource: viewModel.dtSource,
    height: 550,
    columns: [{
        field: "firstname",
        title: "First Name"
    }, {
        field: "address",
        title: "Address"
    }, {
        field: "contact",
        title: "Contact"
    }, {
        field: "gender",
        title: "Gender"

However, my goal is to bind the kendo observable object viewModel.dtSource directly to an HTML table instead of utilizing the Kendo Grid.

Do you know if this is achievable?

Answer №1

Absolutely! It is indeed possible. Kendo UI takes inspiration from Knockout JS, but with its own unique features. If you're looking for a way to implement Kendo MVVM without relying on kendo widgets, check out this useful example here

Answer №2

Utilizing the Kendo Grid can really enhance your project if you take the time to set it up correctly. It can be quite challenging to structure regular HTML to effectively manage dynamic lists of data. One solution to this could be leveraging Kendo's Template system and implementing for loops.

While the dtSource.schema is not mandatory, it can be quite beneficial for organizing and interacting with your data.

var viewModel = kendo.observable({
    dtSource: new kendo.data.DataSource({
        schema: {
            model: {
                fields: {
                    firstname: { type: "string" },
                    address: { type: "string" },
                    contact: { type: "string" },
                    gender: { type: "string" }
kendo.bind("body", viewModel);
    firstname: "John",
    address: "123 Main St",
    contact: "555-1212",
    gender: "Male"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2016.2.607/styles/kendo.common.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2016.2.607/styles/kendo.blueopal.min.css" />
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="//kendo.cdn.telerik.com/2016.2.607/js/kendo.all.min.js"></script>

<div data-role="grid"
     data-bind="source: dtSource"
         { field: 'firstname', title: 'First Name' },
         { field: 'address', title: 'Address' },
         { field: 'contact', title: 'Contact' },
         { field: 'gender', title: 'Gender' }

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