Leveraging ng-class for selectively applying CSS3 animations based on conditions

When specific conditions are met in my controller, I apply two CSS3 animations to the DOM using ng-class. The animations (shake Y & shake X) are added based on certain criteria being satisfied. Here is a snippet of the relevant JavaScript code:

$scope.submitAnswer = function($index) {

    if ($index == current) {
        $scope.shaken = 'shakeY';
    else {
        $scope.shaken = 'shakeX';

Here's the corresponding HTML:

        ng-repeat="philosopher in philosophers">
        <img ng-src="images/{{philosopher.signifier}}.png" height="142px" width="auto" />

Although this setup works as intended, I've encountered an issue where I can't keep reapplying the same animation class consecutively - I need to switch between triggering the if statement and the else statement.

I came up with a custom directive using ngAnimate to repeatedly trigger the animation. However, I'm struggling to implement separate animations based on the outcome of the if-else statement. Here's an example of one of the directives I tried:

app.directive('shake', function($animate) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: false,
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {

            element.bind('click', function() {

                $animate.addClass(element, 'shakeX', function() {
                    $animate.removeClass(element, 'shakeX');


How can I continuously reapply shakeX and shakeY to ng-class or only use my directive based on the result of the if-else statement?


I was able to resolve the issue! After some trial and error, I found that implementing a timeout function within the if statement worked perfectly. Although it may not be conventional to use functions inside if statements, this approach got the desired animation effect. Here's how I achieved it:

    if ($index == current) {
        $timeout(function() {
            $scope.shaken = 'shakeY'
    else {
        $timeout(function() {
            $scope.shaken = 'shakeX'

Answer №1

To achieve your desired outcome, there is no need for a directive. The issue arises when you assign the same value to a scope property because the watcher for that property will not trigger if the value remains unchanged. To work around this, you should first change the value of the scope property to a different or empty value, and then utilize a $timeout to switch it back to the original value.

Here's an example:



<div ng-class="shake" ng-click="shakeX()">Shake X</div>
<div ng-class="shake" ng-click="shakeY()">Shake Y</div>


$scope.shakeX = function() {
  $scope.shake = '';
  $timeout(function() {
    $scope.shake = 'shakeX';

$scope.shakeY = function() {
  $scope.shake = '';
  $timeout(function() {
    $scope.shake = 'shakeY';

Answer №2

Changing Classes Directly

Based on our previous discussion in the comments, it seems like using a timeout during the animation is the most effective approach. Simply modify this snippet:

$animate.addClass(element, 'shakeX', function() {
    $animate.removeClass(element, 'shakeX');


$animate.addClass(element, 'shakeX', function() {
    $timeout(function() {
        $animate.removeClass(element, 'shakeX');
    }, 420);

Remember to include the $timeout dependency.

In short, the goal is to remove the class once the CSS animations have finished so that it can be applied again when needed.

Using Controller Scope Variable

If you prefer sticking with your original approach from the controller, you can try something like this:

if ($index == current) {
    $scope.shaken = 'shakeY';
else {
    $scope.shaken = 'shakeX';

$timeout(function() {
    $scope.shaken = false;
}, 420);

This method resets the scope variable after the animation without specific concern for the class name.

$watching Scope Variable with Linker Function

To handle everything within the directive's linker function, consider implementing the following code snippet:

scope.$watch('shaken', function(newValue, oldValue) {

    if (newValue != 'shakeX' && newValue != 'shakeY')
        return; // just to be safe

    $animate.addClass(element, newValue, function() {
        $timeout(function() {
            $animate.removeClass(element, newValue);
        }, 420);

The code above observes changes in the shaken variable and applies necessary updates accordingly.

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