Leveraging HTML classnames for metadata purposes

Is it recommended to use descriptive class names in HTML that fully describe its content, such as navbar-static-8 for a fixed navbar with 8 items? Alternatively, should the metadata be separated into individual attributes like type="static" items="8"?

I would like these names to be parsed in javascript.

Answer №1

It would be more organized to utilize data attributes in this manner:

<div data-type="static" data-items="8"></div>

A helpful article on this topic was written by John Resig and can be found here: http://ejohn.org/blog/html-5-data-attributes/

If "static" is used for design purposes, it's best to employ classes as they are specifically intended for use with CSS. Data attributes, on the other hand, are more commonly utilized in Javascript to provide metadata about an object.

Answer №2

Absolutely! Feel free to utilize the navbar-static-8 class name, as well as add your own custom attribute like 'type="static" items="8"'. Just make sure to thoroughly test it on all browsers, especially Internet Explorer.

Answer №3

It is recommended to employ clear and descriptive class names when writing CSS, such as "header header-fixed", and utilize the HTML5 data attribute for JavaScript functionalities, for instance data-headeritems="3"

Embrace the concept of cascading in CSS by utilizing two separate classes, header to define overall header properties, and header-fixed to specify styles specifically for fixed headers.

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