Leveraging CSS or JavaScript for Displaying or Concealing Vacant Content Sections

I'm working on developing a page template that utilizes section headers and dynamically pulled content from a separate database. The current setup of the page resembles the following structure:

        <h3>Product Applications</h3>
        {tag_applications}<br />

In this layout, "Product Applications" serves as a formatted header while {tag_applications} fetches content from a specified field in the CMS. I am seeking a way to hide the entire cell or div element using CSS or a script if {tag_applications} turns out to be empty or blank. My attempt at utilizing the 'empty' tag in CSS to set the display to hidden did not work as expected due to the header being present.

Is there a recommended method for achieving this without resorting to creating separate pages for each item?

Thank you!

Answer №1

One way to organize your content area is by enclosing it in a div element:

        <h3>Product Applications</h3>
        <div class="contentSection">{tag_applications}</div>

You can then use a script to check if the div is empty or not. This example uses jQuery:

    $(".contentSection").each(function(idx, ele)
        if($(ele).html() == "")

I apologize for any syntax errors that may have occurred...

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