Learn the process of applying distinct CSS classes to various elements within an AJAX response

The client initiates an AJAX call via jQuery. Upon fetching data from the database, I return the response which includes the application of numerous classes and styles to various HTML tags. Unfortunately, this process results in code that appears unsightly.

while (my @data = $statement->fetchrow_array())
    print "<li class='productWrap $data[7]' style='height:200px; width:150px;'>
                <div class=\"productImageWrap\" id=\"productImageWrapID_$data[0]\">
                    <img src=$data[5] width='75' height='75'' />
                    <div style='font-size: 11px; font-family: \"Verdana\"; '> $data[6] $data[1] $data[2] </div>
                        <span> <strike> $data[3] </strike> $data[4] </span>
                        <a href='#' id=\"featuredProduct_$data[0]\" onclick=\"adjust_menu(this.id); simpleCart.add('name=$data[6] $data[1] $data[2]', 'price=$data[4]','image=$data[5]'); return false;\">   
                            <img src='images/add-to-basket2.gif' alt='Add To Basket' width='111' height='32' id='featuredProduct+$data[0]' />


Is there a way to avoid this cumbersome process? Perhaps applying the classes and styles on the client side after receiving the response could be a better solution.

Answer №1

A great method is to store information in a JSON string, send it to the client, and allow it to display the outcomes.

There are multiple jquery template tools available. One intriguing choice is as follows:

<script type="text/template" id="itemTemplate">
        <li class='productWrap' style='height:200px; width:150px;'>

Because this isn't written in JavaScript, the browser won't interpret or render it. Nonetheless, you can employ jQuery $('#itemTemplate ul li') to access the list item. Subsequently, utilize jQuery techniques to inject the data into the template and implement CSS styles, etc:

var item = $('#itemTemplate ul li');

Further resources:

  • Latest jQuery templates for 2012?

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