Learn how to retrieve images from the web API at 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos' and showcase them on a webpage using Angular10

  1. Using the API "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos", I have access to 5 properties:

    albumId: 1
        id: 1
    thumbnailUrl: "https://via.placeholder.com/150/92c952"
     title: "accusamus beatae ad facilis cum similique qui sunt"
       url: "https://via.placeholder.com/600/92c952"
  2. This API provides URLs for both Images and Thumbnails.

  3. In one.component, I aim to display Albums with their Album Id on the First Page.

  4. Upon clicking on a specific album, the Thumbnails of the Images (two.component) should be visible.

  5. Furthermore, clicking on a thumbnail will open the Image in a pop-up gallery.

Sample Code Below


<div class="container">

 <h5>Albums with corresponding AlbumIds will be displayed here in separate blocks.</h5>
 <!-- Display albums serially based on their albumId -->
 <h3 *ngFor=" " (click)="thumbnailOnClick()" routerLink="/two">albumID</h3> 



    export class OneComponent implements OnInit {
     constructor(private helperService:HelpService) { };
      apiAlbumData=[];//data from api is stored in it.
          //looping through apiAlbumData in console
          for(let value of this.apiAlbumData){


    export class HelpService {
      constructor(private http:HttpClient) { }
        const url = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos';
         return this.http.get(url);

Answer №1

When working with Angular, it is important to utilize http.get to fetch data from an API. One approach is to create an empty array and then update it once the data has been retrieved. I opted to use rxjs map in this scenario for mapping purposes. Additionally, creating an interface can help ensure cleaner code structure, especially when dealing with specific object properties/fields - such as the 5 properties mentioned. Within your HTML template, you can iterate through the array data and initially display the ID in your one.component file. Below is a snippet of my implementation:

// Defining the interface
interface IPhoto {
   albumId: number;
   id: number;
   title: string;
   url: string;
   thumbnailUrl: string;

// Array property within the class for referencing API data
public postArray: IPhoto[];

// Function to fetch API photos
fetchApiPhotos() {
    const apiUrl = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/photos';
    return this.http.get(apiUrl).pipe(
        map((responseData: IPhoto[]) => {
            // Assigning received data to the array
            return this.postArray = responseData;

// HTML Template section
// Displaying IDs by looping through the array data
// Implement a function to emit data upon button click,
// for consumption by component two.
   <div *ngFor="let photo of postArray">
       <button (click)="showPhotoDetails(photo)">Details</button>

// Event handling function for button click
// Dispatches emitted data, which can be received by the second component.
showPhotoDetails(photo: IPhoto) {

Consider utilizing Angular emit or services with observables if there's a need for other components to listen/subscribe to updates.

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