Learn how to easily add site.css to your Angular Template in ASP.NET Core

I am embarking on my journey with the new angular templates in VS Code. I am facing a seemingly simple task - adding a site-level CSS file to my web project to apply some styles.

All the examples I have found online are about updating the Angular-cli.json file to connect the CSS, but this file is not present in the core angular template. Where should I place the CSS file and how do I link it for site-wide application?

Answer №1

Upon setting up a .Net Core web project using the Angular template, you will notice the presence of the ClientApp folder within the project directory. Personally, I have recently installed the latest versions of both the .Net Core 2.1 SDK and nodejs (v 8.11.3 LTS), in addition to having Visual Studio Community version 15.7.3.


To apply global styles across the site, make adjustments in the styles.css file located under ClientApp -> src.

If there are additional site-wide style files, they can be configured within the .angular-cli.json file.


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