LazyBackground() - load background image lazily for a section identified by its ID

I’m looking to implement lazy loading for a single image in a section identified by an ID, using the .lazy() method. The section has a background set through CSS. Here's the current code snippet:


<section id="showcase">


/* Showcase*/
#showcase {
  min-height: 400px;
  background: url("../img/example.jpg") no-repeat -300px -500px;
  background-size: cover;


  $(function() {

How do I need to modify the code? It’s currently not functioning as expected. It seems to work only when I include the

<img class="lazy" data-src="../img/example.jpg" />
tag as shown in the example below:

Answer №1

The JQuery.Lazy documentation and demonstrations on their website suggest loading background images by specifying the data-src attribute to the element where you want the background image to appear.

In your scenario, you can follow these steps:

<section id="showcase" data-src="../img/example.jpg"></section>

Subsequently, remove the background-image declaration from the CSS style sheet.

For a live demonstration, refer to their example on JQuery.Lazy's official website.

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