Layering digital sheets of paper and rearranging them with the help of CSS

I want to create a visual representation of a stack of paper sheets as a metaphor. The idea is to neatly stack the sheets on top of each other, with only the header of each sheet visible and the rest of the content covered.

| Sheet 1
| Sheet 2
| Sheet 3

Additionally, I would like the ability to 'activate' a specific sheet, causing all other sheets to move down and reveal the content of the active sheet.

Here's an example:

| Sheet 1
| Sheet 2
| Sheet 2 content
| goes here
| this sheet is 
| 'active'
| Sheet 3

To achieve this, I have tried using DIV containers with negative top margins, but this method only works for fixed height sheets. I have also created an .active class to attach to the active sheet's DIV in order to reveal its content.

This is the CSS I have used:

    .sheet {
      position: relative;
      width: 650px;
      height: 550px;    
      margin: -465px auto 0 auto;

    .sheet .active + .sheet {
      margin: 0 auto 0 auto;

However, this solution is limited to fixed heights. I am looking for a way to make it work with variable sheet heights. Any suggestions?

(By the way: No need to worry about compatibility with older browsers like IE<9)

Answer №1

If I grasp your requirements correctly, the functionality you are looking for can be achieved with the assistance of the jQuery UI accordion.

You may establish it using the following HTML structure:

<div id="sheets">
  <h3><a href="#sheet1">Sheet 1</a></h3>
       Content for sheet 1 goes here
      <h3><a href="#sheet2">Sheet 2</a></h3>
       Content for sheet 2 goes here
      <h3><a href="#sheet3">Sheet 3</a></h3>
       Content for sheet 3 goes here

For the jQuery part, utilize the following script:

  autoHeight: false

This will dynamically adjust the size of the content sections based on their natural height.

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