Launching Angular Application on GitHub Pages

I am encountering an issue with my GitHub Pages website that is connected to a custom domain.

My domain is hosting a web application created with Angular, but I am having trouble loading the .js and .css files when I visit the site. In the DevTools/Network tab, I am seeing a 404 Not Found error for each .js and .css file that is supposed to be on the branch linked to the GitHub Pages domain.

Answer №1

Encountering this issue is quite common in Angular. To resolve it, ensure that when you generate the bundles, you include the following command:

ng build --prod --base-href ./ 

This command will set the base-href to the main folder where the bundles are located. Alternatively, if the project has already been deployed, you can simply edit the index.html file and modify the base tag to:

<base href="./">

For more detailed information, refer to the documentation.

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