Just getting started with web scraping - can CSS images be found using their path?

I am a beginner in the world of web scraping and I am struggling with understanding even the most basic concepts of web scraping and web selectors. Can CSS images be located using XPath (with selenium)? I am aware that it is possible to locate HTML image elements by XPath, but I am unsure if the same applies to CSS...

Thank you,

Answer №1

Unfortunately, XPath is designed to work with XML structures, which means it can easily navigate through HTML elements that have proper end tags or are sanitized. This allows you to locate all the <img> tags within the HTML structure.

On the other hand, CSS images are stored in a separate file as strings and do not translate well into an XML-like format. Due to this difference in structure, using XPath to extract all the images from a webpage would not be effective.

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