jQuery's slide toggle function is limited to toggling the visibility of just one section at

Welcome to my first post! As a newbie in web development, I have just started my first project. While I feel comfortable with HTML and CSS, jQuery is proving to be a bit challenging for me.

In the head section of my intranet page, I have the following code:



Additionally, I've included this code in the body:


<div class="announcements">
    <div id="flip">
        <h2 class="announcements">title here</h2>
        <div class="announcesig">
            Informed by: name here<br>Date: date here
    <div id="panel">
        <p>comment here<br>
        more comment
        <a target="_blank" href="link here">Click Here</a></p>

Although this setup works perfectly for the first announcement, it fails when I try to replicate it for another

<div class="Announcements">
. The format remains consistent but the functionality does not extend beyond the initial one.


Do I need to create a separate script for each announcement by using identifiers like #flip1, #flip2, along with specific CSS and HTML configurations? Or is there a simpler approach that I am missing?

I apologize if my explanation is unclear.

Answer №1

You should opt for using a class instead of an id. Ids must be unique, but classes can be reused multiple times within the same document. By switching from ids to classes, you can implement the following code:


Check out a live example here.

Answer №2

Follow These Instructions

<div class="announcements">
        <div class="flip">
            <h2 class="announcements">update here</h2>
            <div class="announcesig">
                Posted by: username<br>Date: today's date
        <div class="panel">
            <p>feedback here<br>
            additional feedback
            <a target="_blank" href="website link">Visit Link</a></p>
  • JQuery Implementation




Answer №3

Give this a shot

<div class="announcements">
        <!--Section 1-->
        <div class="flip">
                <h2 class="announcements">heading here</h2>
                <div class="announcesig">
                    Presented by: name here<br>Date: date here
            <div class="slide" style="display: none">
                <p>feedback here<br>
                additional info
                <a target="_blank" href="link here">Click Here</a></p>

        <!--Section 2-->
        <div class="flip">
                <h2 class="announcements">heading here</h2>
                <div class="announcesig">
                    Presented by: name here<br>Date: date here
            <div class="slide" style="display: none">
                <p>feedback here<br>
                additional info
                <a target="_blank" href="link here">Click Here</a></p>

here is the jquery code snippet

$(function() {

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