I'm currently working on creating a photo viewer for my website by cycling through an array of pictures. The cycling aspect is functioning properly, but I am encountering difficulties when trying to transfer the message to the CSS. I'm not sure if there are syntax errors in my JavaScript code or if I'm overlooking a key concept. I have confirmed that the cycling itself works as intended based on the alert that triggers.
var changeIt = ""
var backgroundPic = new Array(4);
backgroundPic[0] = '("images/displayPic1.jpg")';
backgroundPic[1] = '("images/displayPic2.jpg")';
backgroundPic[2] = '("images/displayPic3.jpg")';
backgroundPic[3] = '("images/displayPic4.jpg")';
backgroundPic[4] = '("images/displayPic5.jpg")';
var picCounter = 0;
var numberOfPics = 5;
var picTimer;
function setPic(){
alert("hi I want this pic: " + backgroundPic[picCounter]);
$('slider').css('background-image', url + "backgroundPic[picCounter]");
picCounter += 1;
if(picCounter >= numberOfPics){
picCounter = 0;
$('.slider').css('background-image', backgroundPic[picCounter]);
picTimer = setInterval(setPic, 2000);