jQuery plugin stops functioning properly following the use of the jQuery display block method

In my project, I am exploring the use of divs as tabs with jQuery. Within these divs, I also want to incorporate another jQuery plugin. Currently, I have manually created these div tabs using jQuery and set the default style for second and subsequent divs to display: none either through pure css or a specified class name. However, when I change the display property of the divs to display: block, the second jQuery plugin within the div stops functioning.

The issue arises when attempting to hide the divs without utilizing pure css or a class name, as there is a noticeable delay (approximately 1 second) when the HTML page loads. Are there any alternative suggestions to address this delay apart from implementing a loading icon?

I have experimented with using bootstrap tabs, but unfortunately, the problem persists. How can I effectively utilize a pre-defined class or pure css to initially set the visibility of the divs to display: none, allowing for their subsequent display upon client interaction while ensuring the proper functionality of the second jQuery plugin embedded within?

<div class="tabs-wrapper">
    <div class="tab-container tab1">
        some code here
    <div class="tab-container tab2 d-none">
            second jquery plugin code here

<button id="btn1">Btn1</button>
<button id="btn2">Btn2</button>

    $('#btn1').click(function () {
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab1').addClass('d-none');
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab2').removeClass('d-none');

    $('#btn2').click(function () {
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab2').removeClass('d-none');
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab1').addClass('d-none');

Issues arise when attempting to hide divs using a css class or inline styling, as the second jQuery plugin (e.g., sliders) ceases to function correctly.

Answer №1

Kindly provide a sample of the internal code you wish to execute. However, simply toggling the visibility of a div will not automatically trigger the execution of code within it. You need to handle an event when the div is displayed. Moreover, there seems to be an issue in your code snippet. Below are two possible solutions:


<div class="tabs-wrapper">
    <div class="tab-container tab1">
        // code for tab 1 goes here
    <div class="tab-container tab2 d-none">
            // code for tab 2 with jQuery plugin

<button id="btn1">Btn1</button>
<button id="btn2">Btn2</button>

// Option 1
    $('#btn1').click(function () {
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab1').addClass('d-none');
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab2').removeClass('d-none');

    $('#btn2').click(function () {
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab1').removeClass('d-none');
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab2').addClass('d-none');
/*  Option 2
    $('#btn1').click(function () {

    $('#btn2').click(function () {


Answer №2

$('#btn1').click(function () {
            $('.tabs-wrapper .tab1').addClass('d-none');
            $('.tabs-wrapper .tab2').removeClass('d-none');
        $('#btn2').click(function () {
            $('.tabs-wrapper .tab1').removeClass('d-none');
            $('.tabs-wrapper .tab2').addClass('d-none');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="tabs-wrapper">
    <div class="tab-container tab1">
        some code here
    <div class="tab-container tab2 d-none">
            second jquery plugin code here

<button id="btn1">Btn1</button>
<button id="btn2">Btn2</button>

You may also attempt this method

    $('#btn1').click(function () {
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab1').addClass('d-none');
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab2').removeClass('d-none');

    $('#btn2').click(function () {
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab1').removeClass('d-none');
        $('.tabs-wrapper .tab2').addClass('d-none');

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