jQuery: Eliminate the inline display property of "none"

Trying to figure out how to remove inline styles added by jQuery on hover from the current menu item in the navigation. I want the current menu item to remain visible even after hover, but jQuery is setting it to display:none.

I attempted to add "display:block;" to the CSS for .current-menu-item, but the jQuery triggered on hover overrides this with inline style="overflow: hidden; display: none;"

<li id="menu-item-33" class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page current-menu-item page_item page-item-31 current_page_item menu-item-33"><a href="http://clients.weinsteinau.cgvcreative.com/opportunities/">Opportunities</a></li>

To reproduce the issue: 1. Visit:

  1. Notice that the corresponding menu item for the page is shown under the navigation

  2. Hover over the nav

  3. Observe that the name of the page disappears from the navigation

Expected behavior: Hovering over the nav should display all items. After hover, the current menu item should still be displayed as block for user visibility.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

Utilize the !important rule to override inline styles with CSS. For more information, check out this helpful resource on overriding inline styles with CSS.

Check out how I resolved your CSS issue:

 /* Line 90 in ../scss/_nav.scss */
 .navigation ul li ul li.current-menu-item,
 .navigation ul li ul li.current_page_item,
 .navigation ul li ul li.current-page-ancestor {
   display: block !important;
   color: red;

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