jQuery Array Randomizer Not Functioning Properly

I'm attempting to randomly assign background colors to table cells. I've created an array:

var randomColor = ["red","blue","green","mint","yellow","lightPurple"];

along with this function:

function setRandomColor(){
    return randomColor[Math.floor(Math.random() * randomColor.length)];

You can view the code on jsfiddle here:


Upon running the program multiple times, you may notice that some td cells end up with a white background color unexpectedly. This is strange since white is not included in the array of options. I am unsure why this issue occurs, any insights would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

Answer №1

lightPurple and mint are not recognized as valid color keywords. This will result in an error message like:

Expected a color value but found 'mint'. Error occurred while parsing the value for 'background-color'. Declaration has been discarded.

If you see "Declaration dropped." at the end, it indicates that the web browser does not comprehend that particular rule and therefore does not apply any background color to the element.

You can refer to the official CSS specification for a list of valid color keywords which includes: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.

Answer №2

This is an OutOfRange error.

Let's say a random function generated the number 1 (it generates numbers from 0 to 1). Now, if we multiply this number by the array length of 6, the result would indicate that you are referencing an element outside of the valid range.

Remember, arrays are zero-based, so the last element's index is actually 5, not 6.

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