Jquery alters the border of a textbox with a single modification

I attempted to implement a validation using regular jQuery and managed to accomplish half of it successfully. When I try to submit an empty field, the textbox border turns red, but if I fill in the value and click the button again, the border doesn't change color. Below is my jQuery code:

 if ($.trim($("input[id$='prgIDText']").val()).length < 1) {
            errMsg += "Program ID cannot be blank <br/>";
            $("input[id$='prgIDText']").css("border", "2px solid red");
        else {
            $("input[id$='prgIDText']").css("border", "border:1px solid #CCC");

Answer №1

Your second CSS value includes an unnecessary "border" property.

.css("border", "border:1px solid #CCC");

Instead, it should be:

.css("border", "1px solid #CCC");

Check out this functional JSFiddle example:


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