JavaScript tip: Improve the way you highlight the current navigation page while scrolling by finding alternative methods to using "scrollY > x"

Currently, my webpage layout is divided into 4 sections - HOME, ABOUT, SKILLS, and CONTACT.

Below is the JavaScript code I am using to highlight a specific section on the navigation bar based on the scroll position:

let home = document.querySelector(".btn1")
let about = document.querySelector(".btn2")
let skills = document.querySelector(".btn3")
let contact = document.querySelector(".btn4")

function highlight(){
  if(window.scrollY > 1)

  if(window.scrollY > 550)

  if(window.scrollY > 1210)

  if(window.scrollY > 2050)

window.addEventListener("scroll", highlight);

Although this code works well on my 24" monitor, it becomes less accurate on larger screens like a 27". Are there any better ways to target each page section with scroll?

Answer №1

Create a script that specifies the required elements for the state update using the .offsetTop method.

The pixel value will now adjust dynamically based on changes in the viewport size.

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