JavaScript: Implementing a seamless spinning effect for an image [Compass needle]

I have been working on developing a compass app for mobile devices and have successfully created a function that returns the change-values for the compass-needle rotation (e.g. 20). However, I have noticed that setting the 'image-transform' to 'rotate(x deg)' results in a slightly jumpy motion. To enhance the user experience, I am keen on adding a smooth animation for the needle to move.

Could you help me with coding a JavaScript function that can incorporate an animation for my compass needle?

Of utmost importance: How do I handle a situation where the function is called with a parameter '20', and 0.5 seconds later (while the initial animation is in progress) the function is called with a different parameter '-30'. I need the function to cancel the ongoing animation, add the new change-value ('-30') to the old one ('20'), and initiate a new animation seamlessly.

I hope my issue is clear. Below is the basic framework of my function:

var change_value = 20;
function start_animation(change_value){ 
  $needle_element.css("-webkit-transform", "rotate(" + change_value + "deg)")

Answer №1

Is this the solution you seek?

// Accessing DOM elements
var input = document.getElementById("angle");
var btn = document.getElementById("btnGo");
var needle = document.getElementById("needle");

// Setting up click event handler
btn.addEventListener("click", start_animation);

// Storing the previous angle
var lastAngle = "";

function start_animation(){ 
  // Updating the total angle required
  lastAngle = +lastAngle + +input.value;
  // For testing purposes:
  console.log("Total current angle: " + lastAngle);

  // Moving the needle: = "rotate(" + lastAngle + "deg)";
#needle {

  /* Initial rotate value required for smooth transition */

  /* CSS transition for smooth effect */
  transition:all 1.5s;
<script src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="angle" value="20"><button type="button" id="btnGo">Go!</button>
<div id="needle"></div>

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