JavaScript function occasionally experiences loading issues with CSS images

Have you ever encountered issues with a CSS background image failing to load? What might be the underlying cause?

I've written some Javascript code that looks like this:

function progressBar(file_id) {

    pbar = ($("<div />").attr('id',file_id+"-statusicon").css({"background-image" : "url('../img/test-skip-icon.png')", "width" : "16px", "height" : "16px"}));
    $("#"+file_id+" .status").append(pbar);

and then I invoke it in another function:


The issue at hand is that on occasion, the image loads correctly, while other times it does not. The size of the PNG image is approximately 9KB.

Any ideas or insights regarding this dilemma?

Answer №1

It is advisable to preload the image before making the call to ensure it is cached. There are numerous resources available on preloading images. Another option to consider is using a data URI for the image so that it doesn't have to be loaded from the file system - Recommended by Mike McCaughan

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