JavaScript - Dynamically loaded CSS: CSS variables are not immediately accessible to JavaScript, but are successfully evaluated within the CSS itself

I am encountering an issue with dynamically loading stylesheets via JavaScript into my application. Within these stylesheets, I have various CSS variables that I need to access and modify from my JavaScript code.

When the stylesheets are directly embedded in the head tag, everything functions correctly. The CSS variables are evaluated by CSS and can be accessed in JS.

However, when dynamically loaded during runtime, a peculiar error occurs. While the CSS variable is being evaluated by CSS, it is not visible to JS.

Has anyone encountered a similar problem before?

Here is a Plunker demonstrating the issue:

This is the method I am using to dynamically load the CSS:

var fileref = document.createElement("link");
fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
fileref.setAttribute("href", "not_embedded_from_start.css");


And here is how I am attempting to read the CSS variable:

var cS = window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector("html"));
var pV = cS.getPropertyValue('--foo');

Here is an illustrative example of the CSS:

:root {
  --foo: green

#foo {
  background-color: var(--foo);

Answer №1

The reasoning behind this issue is due to the fact that the stylesheet has not finished loading during runtime, resulting in the CSS variable being inaccessible to JavaScript until a later point.

To address this, you can easily add an onload event handler to the dynamically inserted stylesheet. This event handler will trigger a function, like stylesheetLoaded(), once the stylesheet has fully loaded and is accessible to JavaScript:

var newStyleSheet = document.createElement("link");
newStyleSheet.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
newStyleSheet.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
newStyleSheet.onload = function() { stylesheetLoaded(); }
newStyleSheet.setAttribute("href", "not_embedded_from_start.css");

It's important to set the onload handler before defining the href attribute.

In the stylesheetLoaded() function, you can then implement any necessary logic based on the now-accessible CSS variable:

var stylesheetLoaded = function() {
  computedStyles = window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector("html"));
  propertyValue = computedStyles.getPropertyValue('--baz');
  document.getElementById("baz").innerText = propertyValue;

You can view a demonstration based on your code here:

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