JavaScript, CSS, and HTML - elements that dynamically adjust their size according to the content they hold

Being brand new to web development, I have a task of creating objects that feature text in a box with rounded edges, similar to the image provided. The challenge is that the border size needs to dynamically adjust based on the text size.

Restrictions on using CSS libraries and CSS3 border-radius have made this task even more challenging. I am seeking guidance on where to start. I prefer not to receive a solution in full code form, as I aim to work through the problem myself. Instead, any links or topics for further research would be greatly helpful.

Thank you!

---edit---- Additionally, I am unable to utilize CSS or JavaScript libraries for this project, as it is an assignment with limitations rather than a real-world scenario.

Answer №1

When it comes to creating rounded rectangles without using libraries and CSS3, you have a couple of options:

  1. You can slice up images of a rounded rectangle, insert the text within a div, and generate multiple other divs with backgrounds set to those images. For more details, check out this resource

  2. Another option is to utilize a canvas. You can find information about this method here

Don't fret, canvas is not a library, but actually a component of the HTML5 specification. If you are unsure about HTML5 compatibility, you can learn more about canvas and its usage here, along with a basic tutorial here. Details on drawing text within a canvas are also provided here

Answer №2

For those looking to avoid using css or images for rounded corners, a great alternative is checking out nifty corners.

This method involves utilizing javascript to add new elements to the corners and leveraging color contrast to create curved lines.

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