Javascript code for toggling the visibility of a div element not functioning as expected

This problem is becoming quite frustrating as it appears to be straightforward but still doesn't work.

Inside my document, I have

<div id ="splashscreen" style="display:block">
    <input type="button" value="Start" onClick="splash();" />

And in the script section of my document, I have

function splash() {
    var divSplash = document.getElementById("splashscreen"); = "none";

Shouldn't the splash() function be triggered when the Start button is clicked, leading to the display style of my splashscreen div to change to none?

Answer №1

The issue lies in the usage of language="text/javascript". If you switch to language="javascript", it should work correctly.

My suggestion is to eliminate the language property and opt for type="text/javascript" instead. In case you are working with HTML5, feel free to omit the type property.

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    function startGame() { 
        var divSplash = document.getElementById("splash"); = "none"; 

Furthermore, the language property is considered obsolete now.

Answer №2

Upon implementing the code exactly as displayed, the error 'divSplash is null' arises. This outcome is predictable - as the div is labeled "spashscreen" while the JS function seeks a div labeled "splashscreen" (note the missing 'l').

After rectifying the typo, the code functions as intended.

Answer №3

Looks like you forgot to use the correct ID :)

Remember, "spashscreen" is not the same as "splashscreen"

Answer №4

Check out the solution on jsfiddle

Here is the HTML code snippet:

<div id="splashscreen" style="display:block">
    <p>This is some text</p>
    <button onclick="hideSplash()">Start</button>

And here is the Javascript function:

function hideSplash() {
    var splash = document.getElementById('splashscreen'); = "none";

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