Javascript animations failing to run sequentially

I am working on a circular design made up of 12 arc segments and would like to create a smooth transition from the start pattern to the end pattern for the user to view. There will be multiple start and end patterns to showcase.

Check out my current code here:

function playAnimations(){
var totalLength = document.getElementsByClassName("container")[0].children.length

for(var i = 0; i < totalLength; i++){
    var current_pattern = document.getElementsByClassName("container")[0].children[i]
        for(var j = 0; j < 12; j++){
            $('#LED' + (j+1) ).css('transition-duration', '0s');
            $('#LED' + (j+1) ).css({fill: current_pattern.children[1].children[j].style.backgroundColor});


        setTimeout(function () {
        for(var k = 0; k < 12; k++){
            $('#LED' + (k+1) ).css('transition-duration', "" + current_pattern.children[3].children[0].value + "ms");
            $('#LED' + (k+1) ).css({fill: current_pattern.children[2].children[k].style.backgroundColor});

        }, 150);


The outer loop iterates through all the patterns, while the two inner loops handle the start and end patterns respectively. However, only the animation of the last pattern is being displayed and I suspect it's due to the quick execution of the code. I'm unsure of how to solve this issue. Any suggestions or tips on resolving this problem are welcome.

Answer №1

After reviewing your code, I have come up with a revised version that aims to achieve the desired functionality. Although it may not work perfectly at this stage, the concept is to introduce a 250-millisecond delay before triggering the next animation. If there are no more siblings left to animate, it will transition to another animation sequence. Here is the updated code:

function playAnimations() {
    var $patternHolder = $(".container");
    playAnimation($('#LED1'), 0, $patternHolder, 1, 1);

function playAnimation($target, index, $patternHolder, childPatternIndex, animationNumber) {

    // Set fill color and transition in the object passed as an argument
    $target.css({ fill: $patternHolder.children(childPatternIndex).children().eq(index).css("background-color"), transition: "0s" });

    setTimeout(function () {
        if ($target.parent().next().length > 0) {
            playAnimation($target.parent().next(), index++);
        } else if (animationNumber == 1) {
            playAnimation($("#LED1"), 0, patternHolder, 3, 2);
    }, 250);  

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