JavaScript and jQuery experiencing difficulty rendering proper style and image in output display

I am currently working on code that extracts information from a JSON variable and displays it on a map. The code looks like this:

  marker.info_window_content = place.image  + '<br/>' +"<h4>" + + "</h4>" + place.description  + '<br/>' + place.belongs_to + '<br/>' + '<br/>' + place.categories

self.markers[] = marker

However, instead of displaying the image itself, the output only shows the link to the image, like this:


I have attempted to include an image icon in the code, but it still doesn't display the actual image. Here is the code I tried:

 '<img src=' + place.image + '/>'

Could someone please advise me on how to adjust the code so that the image can be displayed properly, or suggest improvements for better output?

Thank you.

Answer №1

Oops, I accidentally left out the quotation marks. Check out the corrected code below:

'<img src= " ' + place.image + ' " />'

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