JavaScript and jQuery Conceal and Reveal

I'm having trouble with my jQuery hide and show functions. They seem to be working, but the items are not appearing on the page. I suspect it could have something to do with a parent element being positioned relative or having a display of none, but I haven't been able to identify the issue. Below is the code snippet:


<div id="newsItem1">
    <h4><a href="/news">News Title 1</a></h4><h4>April 6, 2015</h4>
    <p>Text here</p>

<div id="newsItem2">
    <h4><a href="/news">News Title 1</a></h4><h4>April 6, 2015</h4>
    <p>Text here</p>


#newsItem1, #newsItem2 {


 setInterval(NextNewsItem, 8000);
 var newsItem = 0;
 var numNewsItems = 2;

 function NextNewsItem() {

     if (newsItem > numNewsItems) {
         newsItem = 1;


     for (i = 1; i <= numNewsItems; i++) {
         console.log($("#newsItem" + i).css('display'));
         $("#newsItem" + i).hide();
         console.log($("#newsItem" + i).css('display'));

     console.log($("#newsItem" + newsItem).css('display'));
     $("#newsItem" + newsItem).show();
     console.log($("#newsItem" + newsItem).css('display'));

The first iteration shows:








Answer №1


Everything seems to be running smoothly on my end.


<div id="article1">
    <h4><a href="/articles">Article Title 1</a></h4><h4>October 10, 2021</h4>
    <p>Content goes here</p>

<div id="article2">
    <h4><a href="/articles">Article Title 2</a></h4><h4>October 11, 2021</h4>
    <p>More content goes here</p>


 setInterval(NextArticleItem, 1500);

 var articleItem = 0;
 var numArticleItems = 2;

 function NextArticleItem() {

     if (articleItem > numArticleItems) {
         articleItem = 1;

     for (i = 1; i <= numArticleItems; i++) {
         $("#article" + i).hide();

     $("#article" + articleItem).show();

Please keep in mind that the styling is applied to all elements except the first one for toggle functionality.

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