JavaScript and CSS content, when compared, showcase varying characteristics and functionality

I'm attempting to create a conditional statement based on comparing strings from a CSS content attribute.

Here is my current code, but despite the strings being identical, the comparison returns false.


.right-section::before {
        content:" the blue dog";
     /*   position: relative; */
        top: -50px; 


jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
        var content = getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.right-section'), ':before').getPropertyValue('content');
         var content2 = " the blue dog";
        if( content == content2) {
           console.log("CSS is running");
            $("#margin-adjust").css("margin-top", "10px !important");

Here's a link to a codepen

Appreciate any assistance you can provide!

Answer №1

In order to ensure equality, you must take into account the inclusion of double quotes in the CSS property value. Therefore, the comparison should be made with a string value that also contains these quotes:

var content = '" the red cat"';

By following this approach, the two values will be considered equal.

Answer №2

Even though the variables hold different values...

text resolves to "the red cat" words leads to the red cat

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