Issues with onClick events not triggering on transformed CSS3 elements

//My mind was completely tangled up. Everything is functioning properly, this question is inaccurate and outdated

When I rotate an Element on the Y-axis and attempt to click on it, which has a bound eventListener (onClick), the event does not trigger (hovering is also not working). If I remove the transformation, the event triggers as expected. I understand that with a transformation, the element only visually changes its position, but "essentially stays in its original position". However, it seems counterintuitive to allow an element to be transformed but disable all its eventListeners..? Any suggestions on where I should focus my investigation?

Answer №1

Have you tried using raw JavaScript or jQuery? I didn't encounter any issues with the following code:

div {
width: 50px;
Background: blue;
-WebKit-transform:rotate(45deg) translate(100px, 100px);


Could you share your code with us? There might be another issue causing the problem.

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