Issues with HTML formatting after using JQuery .load()

Hey there StackOverflow community!

I've encountered a problem that I need help with. Whenever I use the following code:


The HTML content loads into the div, but the CSS and JS don't work properly. The formatting is off, elements like sliders and text overflow outside of their containers, fonts are not displayed correctly, and the slider doesn't function at all.

I tried including the same header from the original HTML file inside new.html to ensure that the CSS and JS are referenced properly, but it didn't solve the issue. I also noticed that .load is deprecated and attempted using:


This resulted in the same broken formatting as before on the first attempt, but now I'm getting an error message when calling it:

load Uncaught TypeError: Cannot create property 'guid' on string "new.html"

This error seems to point back to the deprecated load function. It appears that using .on() isn't the solution either.

How can I resolve the formatting issue with .load() and fix the guid error related to .on()? Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

edit: Here are some screenshots showing what's happening.

Answer №1

Here are two important points to consider:

The code $("#specificDIV").on("load", "new.html") does not function as expected.

This is due to the fact that this code instructs jQuery to execute the string "new.html" when the element with id "specificDIV" triggers a 'load' event. The confusion arises from the existence of two different methods in jQuery, namely .on() and .load(). In essence, the former has replaced the latter.

If you intend to dynamically load content using jQuery's .load() method, it is worth noting that:

jQuery utilizes the browser's .innerHTML property for parsing the retrieved document and incorporating it into the current document. However, certain elements like <html>, <title>, or <head> may be filtered out by browsers during this process. Hence, the loaded elements may not be exactly identical to those if directly fetched by the browser.

Have you placed your CSS and JS scripts within the head section of the document being fetched? If so, consider moving them outside of the <head> tag.

Answer №2

Give this a shot

      url: 'ajax/new-info.html',
      success: function(response) {

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