I have created a grid of images with a unique effect where a semi-transparent overlay appears when you hover over them, revealing some text.
I wanted to achieve the same effect on mobile devices by making the overlay fade in when tapped instead of hovered over.
I was able to get it working on Android devices, but unfortunately, I'm facing difficulties getting it to work on iOS devices.
I will share my code and some attempted solutions that I have experimented with. Despite being new to JavaScript, I do have some basic knowledge implemented on my website already. However, none of the solutions seem to be effective on iOS devices.
Here is the JsFiddle link to my code:
In building this grid, I utilized Bootstrap and LESS. Here is a snippet of my HTML code:
CSS Styling:
Solutions I have attempted so far:
To the image-wrap div element
2 adding the following line to my JS file:
$('body').bind('touchstart', function() {});
- Integrating the below JS snippet into my script:
//On Hover - Works on ios
}, function(){
//Hover Off - Hover off doesn't seem to work on iOS
Despite all these efforts, the functionality does not work as intended on iOS devices. When tapping on the images, neither the text nor the semi-transparent overlay fades in.
This has been a challenging task for me, and after several days of troubleshooting and research, no solution seems to address the issue effectively.
If anyone could offer guidance or assistance, I would greatly appreciate it!
Thank you for your time and support.