Issues with audio and video playback intermittently occurring on Sencha Touch 2

As a beginner with Sencha Touch 2, I am currently working on uploading images onto an iPad using Xcode. My app has audio playing on the home screen, and I want the video to start playing and the audio to stop when a specific tab is selected. However, there seems to be an issue where either the audio or video fails to work properly during each run through, regardless of any code changes I make. It's frustrating because sometimes the audio works but not the video, and vice versa.

Answer №1

One of the limitations set by Apple is that you cannot play more than one audio source simultaneously on their devices. This restriction may also apply to playing video with audio at the same time.

This limitation exists due to performance concerns, as the hardware is only capable of decoding one compressed file at a time. Decoding multiple files with the CPU would cause the operating system to slow down significantly.

According to Apple:

The choice of audio format is crucial when playing sounds concurrently on iPhone or iPod touch. This is because iOS utilizes an efficient hardware codec for certain compressed formats. Only one instance of AAC, ALAC (Apple Lossless), or MP3 can be played on the device simultaneously.

  • AAC
  • ALAC (Apple Lossless)
  • MP3

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