Issues may arise when attempting to parse AJAX responses using Javascript/JQuery AJAX

There are many posts on this topic, but I am having trouble finding the specific information I need. Here is where I am struggling:

I have an AJAX request for an ID and an integer (which will be used as a margin to apply on the DOM later).

This is the request I am making:

    //Accordion options here, not relevant
    //Other sortable options here, not relevant
    //This is the important part:
            function(event, ui){
                var data = $(this).sortable('toArray');
                    dataType:'JSON',/*--Added this also--*/
                    contentType : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"
                        console.log(margin);//This log [sebastien20140804130001:45, sebastien20140804130002:30]
                        for(key in margin){

When I check the console, this is what I see:

[sebastien20140804130001:45, sebastien20140804130002:30]

Do you see the issue? My response (margin) is being returned as a string, causing my loop to iterate through each character instead of key/value pairs as expected.

Instead, I would like the output to look something like this:

[sebastien20140804130001:45, sebastien20140804130002:30]

One challenge I face is not knowing how many 'key/value' pairs I will receive or if the IDs will be in numeric order ([ID:MARGIN_TO_APPLY]).

My goal is to loop through each 'key/value' pair and apply something like this:

$('#'+key).css('margin-left', value);

If you need any additional information, please let me know in the comments section.

Thank you!


Below is the server-side code that handles the request:

echo '{';/*--was [--*/
sortRN('rn_GLOBAL', 0);
echo '}';/*was ]--*/

function sortRN($dep, $i)
    if(isset($_POST['sort'][$i]) && $_POST['sort'][$i] != '')
        $cnSort = new cConnexion('***', '***', '***', '***');
            $query = "UPDATE ***.reunion SET rn_DEP = :DEP WHERE REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONCAT('rn_', rn_SAMAORG, rn_DTSTART), ' ', ''), ':', ''), '-', '') = :ID";

            while(isset($_POST['sort'][$i]) && preg_match('#^.+[0-9]{4}$#', $_POST['sort'][$i]))
                if($i > 0)
                    echo ',';/*--Added this so there wouldn't always be a coma at the end--*/

                    case 'rn_GLOBAL':
                        $params = array('DEP'=>str_replace('rn_', '', $dep), 'ID'=>$_POST['sort'][$i]);

                        $rsSort = $cnSort->SecureExecute($query, $params);
                            echo '{"'.$_POST['sort'][$i].'":15}';/*--Changed every line like this to add {} and also removed the coma at the end--*/

                  /* More cases follow... */


        if(isset($_POST['sort'][$i]) && $_POST['sort'][$i] != '')
            $ii = $i + 1;
            sortRN($_POST['sort'][$i], $ii);
        echo $cnSort->m_log->getMessageFR();

A side note: The PHP script updates the database with the position of the jQuery sortable items and then echoes the element ID along with its corresponding margin value.


I've made some changes to the code, highlighted above.

Answer №1

  1. The data returned is not in valid JSON format according to the specifications outlined at Instead of an array of elements, each element should be a properly structured object, like so:

    [{"sebastien20140804130001" : 45}, {"sebastien20140804130002": 30}]

  2. Upon receiving the response, you must either use JSON.parse(response) to convert it into a JSON object or configure your request with dataType: 'json' in jQuery to automatically handle the conversion.

Answer №2

This may not be the recommended approach, as it is best to structure your data properly in valid JSON following Rajkumar Madhuram's advice. However, for the sake of practice and learning about regular expressions, we can attempt the following solution:

    var values = parseMargin.match(/(\w+:\d+)+/);
    var keyValues = [];
    for (var index=0 ; index< values.length; index++) {
        var keyValue = values[index].split(":");
        keyValues.push({ key: keyValue[0], value: keyValue[1] });
    // At this point, you will have an array containing key-value pairs.

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