Issues arise with the functionality of custom jQuery sliders

I'm attempting to create a bootstrap panel slider using my own jQuery code, but it's not functioning as anticipated.

My Objective:

I have two links for "previous" and "next", and three panels with distinct headings. When the "previous" link is clicked, the current panel should hide and the previous panel should appear. The panels are indexed as 1, 2, and 3. If the current panel is the first one and "previous" is clicked, then the third panel should be displayed. The same logic should apply when clicking the "next" button. Below is the HTML and JS code I am currently using:


<div class="panel-slider">
    <div class="panel" id="1">
        <div class="panel-header">News Update 1</div>
        <div class="panel-body">
            <img src="img/news-update.jpg" class="img-responsive" />Lorizzle pizzle ma nizzle dope amizzle, consectetuer crazy elit. Dope dope velizzle, fo shizzle my nizzle volutpizzle, shizzlin dizzle fo shizzle, gravida fo shizzle, arc</div>
    <div class="panel hide" id="2">
        <div class="panel-header">News Update 2</div>
        <div class="panel-body">
            <img src="img/news-update.jpg" class="img-responsive" />Lorizzle pizzle ma nizzle dope amizzle, consectetuer crazy elit. Dope dope velizzle, fo shizzle my nizzle volutpizzle, shizzlin dizzle fo shizzle, gravida fo shizzle, arc</div>
    <div class="panel hide" id="3">
        <div class="panel-header">News Update 3</div>
        <div class="panel-body">
            <img src="img/news-update.jpg" class="img-responsive" />Lorizzle pizzle ma nizzle dope amizzle, consectetuer crazy elit. Dope dope velizzle, fo shizzle my nizzle volutpizzle, shizzlin dizzle fo shizzle, gravida fo shizzle, arc</div>
    <div class="panel-slider-controls"> <a href="#" class="pull-left">Prev</a>
 <a href="#" class="pull-right">Next</a>



var panel_index = 1;

$(".panel-slider .panel-slider-controls a").click(function () {
    var that = $(this);
    $(".panel[id=" + panel_index + "]").addClass("hide");
    if (that.text() == "Prev") {
        if (panel_index > 1) {
            $(".panel[id='" + panel_index + "']").removeClass("hide");
        } else {
    } else { //it's Next
        if (panel_index < 3) {
            $(".panel[id='" + panel_index + "']").removeClass("hide");
        } else {

The Issue at Hand:

The behavior of the slider is unexpected and abnormal. You can see the problem in action through this fiddle.

Could someone please explain why this is happening and help me resolve the issue?

Note: It would be greatly appreciated if someone could assist in removing the hard-coded IDs and making the slider work seamlessly regardless of the number of div elements present. Thank you! :)

Answer №1

Check out this jsBin demo

To implement this functionality, simply add a class (e.g. next-news) to your buttons. Make sure your JS logic does not rely on text, as even an extra space could cause it to break.

<a href="#" class="pull-left  prev-news">Prev</a>
<a href="#" class="pull-right next-news">Next</a>

With just the following code snippet, you can achieve the desired effect:

var $panel = $('.panel-slider .panel'),
    idx = 0;

$(".prev-news, .next-news").click(function () {
    idx = ($(this).hasClass('next-news') ? ++idx : --idx) % $panel.length ;

Answer №2

I have successfully implemented the solution without using any IDs as per your request. The code now dynamically handles any number of .panel elements. You can check out the working example at this link.

HTML Structure:

<div class="panel-slider">
    <div class="panel">
        <div class="panel-header">News Update 1</div>
        <div class="panel-body">
            <img src="img/news-update.jpg" class="img-responsive" />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget turpis vitae ante imperdiet congue.</div>
    <div class="panel">
        <div class="panel-header">News Update 2</div>
        <div class="panel-body">
            <img src="img/news-update.jpg" class="img-responsive" />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget turpis vitae ante imperdiet congue.</div>
    <div class="panel">
        <div class="panel-header">News Update 3</div>
        <div class="panel-body">
            <img src="img/news-update.jpg" class="img-responsive" />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam eget turpis vitae ante imperdiet congue.</div>
    <div class="panel-slider-controls"> <a href="#" class="pull-left">Prev</a>
 <a href="#" class="pull-right">Next</a>


CSS Styling:

.panel:nth-child(n+2) {
    display: none;

jQuery Script:

$(".panel-slider-controls a").click(function () {

    var self = $(this);

    if(self.hasClass('pull-left')) {

        var prevPanel = $('.panel:visible').prevAll('.panel').first();

        if(prevPanel.size() == 0) {

            prevPanel = $('.panel').last();



    else if(self.hasClass('pull-right')) {

        var nextPanel = $('.panel:visible').nextAll('.panel').first();


        if(nextPanel.size() == 0) {

            nextPanel = $('.panel').first();





Answer №3

If you're struggling to fix a problem, check out this helpful resource:
It seems like the issue may have been caused by not properly adjusting the index when nearing the limits.

if (panel_index > 1)
    $(".panel[id='" + panel_index + "']").removeClass("hide");

I hope this explanation clarifies things for you. Feel free to ask if any part of the code is unclear!

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