Issue with vertical alignment in form input text area not functioning properly

Need some help aligning inputted text with the top of a textarea on an HTML form. I've scoured forums for solutions, but no luck so far.

I attempted using:




Tried adding autoflow:auto too.

Answer №1

Consider using a <textarea> instead of an <input>. Each form element serves a different purpose, so it's important to choose the right one for your needs. You can learn more about this topic here.

HTML Example:

<input type="text" placeholder="input" value="input">
<br />
<textarea rows="10">Textarea that is aligned to the top without the need for css styling.</textarea>

Check out this demo

Answer №2

It seems like there might be some confusion with your code, but I will do my best to provide a solution to what I think your problem is :)

When you write the following code:

    <textarea cols="25" rows="5" required>


The empty spaces between your textarea tags are already displayed when you execute the code - this means that there are multiple starting points within the text area for typing.

I believe what you want to achieve is the following:

    <textarea cols="25" rows="5" required></textarea>

By formatting it this way, text input in the textarea will begin at the top-left corner as no extra spaces are rendered.

DEMO showcasing both versions:

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