Issue with [rowHovered] directive in PrimeNG Table when cell-background is defined

I am working with a scrollable TreeTable where I have defined the rowHover attribute in the following manner:

<p-treeTable [value]="items" [columns]="scrollableCols" [resizableColumns]="true" [frozenColumns]="frozenCols" [scrollable]="true" scrollHeight="550px" frozenWidth="600px" [rowHover]="true" *ngIf="submitFinished">

I have customized the background of the second and third columns with the following code:

<td style="text-align: center; height: 40px" [ngStyle]="{'background-color' : (col.field=='diff') ? ((getColumnValue(rowData, columns, i) > 0) ? 
                '#e2fee2' : ((getColumnValue(rowData, columns, i) < 0) ? '#ffa695' : 'white') ) : 'white'}"> <!-- this code only applies on each 2nd and 3rd column, not the first one. The second is always white, the third is either #ffa695, #e2fee2 or white - the first still has its default value -->

Although this approach works well, the rowHover now extends to the cells with unchanged backgrounds. Is there a way to prevent this and still have the entire row highlighted on hover, even if the colored background is not visible during hover?


I suspect that the issue arises because the [ngStyle] keeps track of the field values and overrides the rowHover selection. I am unsure of how to resolve this.

Here is the desired outcome I am aiming for (example without applying the [ngStyle] of the mentioned <td>):

The relevant code snippet:

The scrollable body (where the changes should be applied):

<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData="rowData" let-columns="columns">
    <tr *ngIf="!rowData.hours"><td *ngFor="let col of columns" style="height: 60px" class="psp-row-cell"></td></tr>
    <tr *ngIf="rowData.hours">
      <ng-template ngFor let-i="index" let-col [ngForOf]="columns">
        <ng-template [ngIf]="rowDataIsEmpty(rowData, col)" [ngIfElse]="editableColumn">
          <td class="blocked-cell" style="height: 40px">
        <ng-template #editableColumn>
          <ng-template [ngIf]="col.field=='plan'" [ngIfElse]="blockedCell">
              <td style="text-align: center; height: 40px" [ttEditableColumn]="rowData"> 
                      <ng-template pTemplate="input">
                          <input pInputText type="text" style="text-align: center" [ngModel]="getColumnValue(rowData, columns, i)" (ngModelChange)="setColumnValue(rowData, columns, i, $event)" [ngStyle]="{'width':'100%'}">
                      <ng-template pTemplate="output">{{getColumnValue(rowData, columns, i)}}</ng-template>
          <ng-template #blockedCell>
            <td style="text-align: center; height: 40px" [ngStyle]="{'background-color' : (col.field=='diff') ? ((getColumnValue(rowData, columns, i) > 0) ? 
                '#e2fee2' : ((getColumnValue(rowData, columns, i) < 0) ? '#ffa695' : 'white') ) : 'white'}"> 
              {{getColumnValue(rowData, columns, i)}}

The function getColumnValue:

getColumnValue(rowData: any[], columns: any, i: number): number {
    let col = columns[i];
    let val;
    if (col.field == 'diff') {
      col = columns[i-2];
      val = rowData['hours'].find(entry => entry.year === col.year && entry.month === col.month)[col.field];
      col = columns[i-1];
      val = val - rowData['hours'].find(entry => entry.year === col.year && entry.month === col.month)[col.field];
    } else {
      val = rowData['hours'].find(entry => entry.year === col.year && entry.month === col.month)[col.field];
    return val;

Answer №1

It appears that the background-color property is being overridden by the [ngStyle] directive when modified by the rowHover function. A simple solution was implemented by changing the color from white to transparent, like so:

[ngStyle]="{'background-color' : (col.field=='diff') ? ((getColumnValue(rowData, columns, i) > 0) ? 
            '#e2fee2' : ((getColumnValue(rowData, columns, i) < 0) ? '#ffa695' : 'transparent') ) : 'transparent'}

This adjustment seems to have resolved the issue at hand.

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