Issue with React MUI V5 causing theme not to display properly within shadow-root element

After trying to attach the shadow root using the MUI createTheme function, I encountered rendering issues. Despite following the instructions in this helpful guide on the MUI website, my problem persists.

// App.js
const cache = createCache({
  key: 'css',
  prepend: true,
  container: shadowRoot,
  speedy: false

return (
  <StyledEngineProvider injectFirst>
    <CacheProvider value={cache}>
      <ThemeProvider theme={themes(customization)}>
        <CssBaseline />
          <Routes />
// themes.js
const themeOptions = {
  direction: 'ltr',
  palette: themePalette(themeOption),
  mixins: {
    toolbar: {
      minHeight: '48px',
      padding: '16px',
      '@media (min-width: 600px)': {
        minHeight: '48px'
  typography: themeTypography(themeOption)

const themes = createTheme(themeOptions);
themes.components = componentStyleOverrides(themeOption);

return themes;
// componentStyleOverrides
const shadowRoot = flowise.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('#mountPoint')[0];

MuiCssBaseline: {
  defaultProps: {
    container: shadowRoot
  styleOverrides: {
    body: {
      scrollbarWidth: 'thin',
      scrollbarColor: theme?.customization?.isDarkMode
        ? `${theme.colors?.grey500} ${theme.colors?.darkPrimaryMain}`

Despite attempting to mount it in the shadow root, the solution still doesn't seem to be effective:

Answer №1

It seems like the issue you're encountering could be related to how you're applying Material-UI styles to a component inside a Shadow DOM. To successfully integrate Material-UI with Shadow DOM, it's essential to ensure that the styles are encapsulated correctly within the Shadow DOM. This might require some tweaking.

Follow these steps for using Material-UI with Shadow DOM:

Start by importing the necessary libraries: import { createTheme, CssBaseline, StyledEngineProvider, ThemeProvider } from '@mui/material'; import { CacheProvider } from '@emotion/react'; import createCache from '@emotion/cache';

Create a cache and attach it to the Shadow DOM:

const shadowRoot = document.querySelector('#your-shadow-root-selector');                 
// Replace this with your specific selector
const cache = createCache({
  key: 'css',
  prepend: true,
  container: shadowRoot,
  speedy: false,

Define your theme and incorporate the cache:

const theme = createTheme({
  // Your theme configuration goes here
theme.components = componentStyleOverrides(theme);

return (
  <StyledEngineProvider injectFirst>
    <CacheProvider value={cache}>
      <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
        <CssBaseline />
        {/* Insert your app content here */}

Ensure that your componentStyleOverrides function assigns the correct container property for MuiCssBaseline. Here's an example:

const componentStyleOverrides = (themeOption) => {
  const shadowRoot = document.querySelector('#your-shadow-root-selector'); // Replace with your actual selector

  return {
    MuiCssBaseline: {
      defaultProps: {
        container: shadowRoot,
      styleOverrides: {
        // Add your styles here
    // Other component overrides

Remember to replace #your-shadow-root-selector with the appropriate selector for your Shadow DOM. The container property should target the root element of your Shadow DOM.

By implementing these adjustments, Material-UI styles should seamlessly integrate within the Shadow DOM of your component. Be sure to use accurate selectors and IDs tailored to your specific scenario.

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