Issue with ng-if not functioning within custom component in Angular

I've been racking my brain trying to figure out why the 'ng-if' isn't functioning on this element. I understand that ng-if="true" might seem odd, but I just want to make it clear that the issue lies elsewhere. What am I missing?

<div ng-init="model.class = $" class="soldier" ng-class="{ '{{model.class}}':true }" ng-if="true">

Check out this example:

If you remove the 'ng-if', you'll see the directive appear

Answer №1

In my observation, it seems that when using ng-if, a new child scope is generated. As a result, to access a method, I need to use another '$parent' to initialize the model.class property.

<div ng-init='model.class = $parent.$' class='soldier' ng-class='model.class' ng-if='true'></div>

Here's the approach I took:

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