Issue with loading contentsCss in CKEDITOR with VUEJS2

Currently in the process of developing a website using Vue.js 2, we incorporated the ckeditor4-vue plugin some time ago.

An issue has recently come up regarding the font not matching the rest of the application. The preference is to default to 'Lato', sans-serif.

Upon inspection at the end of the implementation, it's evident that we utilize contentsCss in our configuration to load an internal CSS stylesheet. (Located at localhost:8080/ckeditor/content.css)

However, this doesn't seem to load as expected. Is contentsCss supported for ckeditor4-vue? Are there alternative solutions?

The ckeditor instance is currently being loaded in main.js as shown below;

import CKEditor from "ckeditor4-vue";
const app = new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)

We have created a wrapper for our CKEditor component for reusability purposes, instead of defining it multiple times. This component is configured as follows; (shown in a condensed form)

    :config="{ ...localConfig, readOnly: readOnly, fullPage: true }"

export default {
  name: "RTE",
  props: {
    editorConfig: {
      required: false,
      type: Object
    value: {},
    targetObject: { required: true, type: String },
    targetUuid: { type: String },
    readOnly: { required: false, type: Boolean, default: false }
  computed: {
    config() {
      return {
        language: i18n._vm.locale,
        toolbar: [
          // { name: 'forms', items: [ 'Form', 'Checkbox', 'Radio', 'TextField', 'Textarea', 'Select', 'Button', 'ImageButton', 'HiddenField' ] },
            name: "basicstyles",
            items: [
            name: "paragraph",
            items: [
          { name: "links", items: ["Link", "Unlink"] },
            name: "insert",
            items: ["Image", "Table", "HorizontalRule", "SpecialChar"]
          { name: "clipboard", items: ["Undo", "Redo", "-"] },
          { name: "styles", items: ["Format", "FontSize"] },
          { name: "colors", items: ["TextColor", "BGColor"] },
          { name: "tools", items: ["Maximize", "-"] },
          { name: "document", items: ["Source", "-", "Sourcedialog"] }
        removePlugins: "sourcearea",
        height: 300,
        allowedContent: true,
        filebrowserUploadUrl: this.isAwareness()
          ? ""
          : "",
        contentsCss: ["/ckeditor/content.css"]

Answer №1

It appears that setting fullPage: true in my configuration is preventing the contentsCss from being applied. However, if I disable fullPage, the css will be loaded successfully.

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