Issue with Jquery Selector: unable to target element when clicked

I'm currently working on a project where users can select elements from one box and they will show up in the next box. The issue I'm facing is when I click on a shortlisted element, it doesn't behave as expected.

Below is the code snippet:


<div id="secondbox">
    <div class="elements">
    <div class="elements">
    <div class="elements">
    <div class="elements">




#secondbox,#firstbox{float:left;height:300px;width:300px;border:1px solid black;}
.elements{width:90%;margin:5px;border:1px dashed orange;}

Please assist in resolving this issue.

Answer №1

When generating elements dynamically in the second list, it is important to utilize .on() for binding the click event.

$(document).on('click',".pink",function () {

Check out this jsFiddle example

As mentioned in the documentation for .on():

Event handlers are only attached to currently selected elements; they must be present on the page when calling .on(). To ensure that elements can be selected and bound, it's recommended to perform event binding inside a document ready handler for elements existing in the HTML markup of the page. If new HTML is injected into the page, select the elements and attach event handlers after the new HTML has been inserted.

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