Issue with jQuery select box (roblaplaca) and its custom scroll bar functionality not functioning as expected

Recently, I implemented the custom select box script from . This script allows for two select boxes, where the second one updates dynamically using AJAX when there is a change in the first select box. Below is a sample of the HTML code:


To update my select box after an AJAX success, I utilized the sync() method. While the content does get updated successfully, I encountered an issue where the scroll bar disappears.

I delved into the selectbox.js file and noticed that the sync() method invokes the _setupScrollbar() function after updating the content. However, despite this call, the scroll bar fails to appear. Can anyone provide assistance with resolving this problem?

If you want to explore the code further, feel free to check out the Demo code.

Answer №1

When working with your SelectBox.js file, make sure to make the following modifications:

(1) Locate the function _setupScrollbar() and insert the code autoReinitialise: true. The updated code should appear as follows:

self.scrollpane = $dl.jScrollPane($.extend({
    contentWidth: 200,
    autoReinitialise: true
}, cfg.scrollOptions));

(2) Find the function this.sync = function() and make the following changes:

this.sync = function() {
    $options = cfg.selectbox.find("option");
    $jpane = $customSelect.find("div.jspPane");

    if($jpane.length == 1) // check if selectbox has a scrollbar
       $jpane.html(_renderOptions()); //Inject HTML into selectbox with scrollbar
       $dl.html(_renderOptions()); //Inject HTML into selectbox without scrollbar


The scrollbar may not be functioning due to jsPane being replaced with new content. Therefore, I have made adjustments in the sync() function as shown below:

// $dl.html(_renderOptions());
$jpane = $customSelect.find("div.jspPane");
if($jpane.length == 1) // need to check if selectbox having scroll bar?
   $jpane.html(_renderOptions()); //HTML injected to selectbox having scrollbar
   $dl.html(_renderOptions()); //else HTML injected to selectbox not having scrollbar

These changes should help resolve the issue you are facing.

Answer №2

I made some changes to @rajnikanth's code for customizing a selectbox without a scroll bar.

this.update = function() {
    $optionsList = cfg.selectbox.find("option");
    $scrollPane = $customSelect.find("div.scrollPane");

    if($scrollPane.length == 1) // check if selectbox has a scroll bar
       $scrollPane.html(_renderOptions()); // Inject HTML for selectbox with scrollbar
       $dl.html(_renderOptions()); // Inject HTML for selectbox without scrollbar


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