Issue with jQuery not being able to retrieve the data from my CSS property

this is my custom style code:

 table.table tr td{
        border-left: double 1px white;
        border-bottom: double 1px white;

and below is the jQuery script I am using:

$(document).ready(function () {

    $("#zoomIn").on('click', function () {
        var previousValue = $(".table tr td").css("padding");
        previousValue = previousValue + 10;
        $(".table tr td").css('padding', previousValue);

In this code, I log the value before and after adding 10

The Issue

When I try to log the initial padding value in Firefox firebug, it shows me an empty string instead of 30. This is not the expected behavior. What could be the reason for this discrepancy?

Answer №1

When dealing with padding, keep in mind that you may receive an empty string as a value initially. In such cases, add 10 to the padding rather than assuming it is 50.

You have the option to use each padding property individually or choose one if they are all the same.

Note: Chrome may return a value of 50px for .css("padding"), whereas Firefox could return an empty string. However, using individual properties will work consistently across both browsers.

 top_padding =  $("body").css("padding-top");
 bottom_padding =  $("body").css("padding-bottom");
 left_padding =  $("body").css("padding-left");
 right_padding =  $("body").css("padding-right");

Remember to convert the padding values into integers when necessary.


Answer №2

Always remember to use the parseInt function before adding values to the previousValue variable.

$("#zoomIn").on('click', function () {
    var previousValue = $(".table tr td").css("padding");
    previousValue = parseInt(previousValue) + 10;
    $(".table tr td").css('padding', previousValue + 'px');

Check out the JSFIDDLE DEMO here

Answer №3

Whenever you define padding using CSS, the browser actually interprets it as 4 separate properties:

padding-left, padding-top, padding-right & padding-bottom

To retrieve the padding values, you need to reference each of these 4 sides individually. You cannot simply request the value for the overall padding

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