Issue with jQuery draggable appendTo functionality not functioning as expected

Below is the code snippet:

JavaScript jQuery

        axis: 'y',
        appendTo: 'parent',
        containment: [0,0,0,150],
        start: function() {
        stop: function() {

HTML Markup

<div class="container">
    <div class="cropBox"><div class="dragBox"></div></div>

The issue is that the .dragBox component is not appending to .cropBox. The y-axis of the inner box does not start at 0 but rather at -117. This is because there is a 117 pixel distance between .cropBox and the top edge of the window.


The problem has been resolved.


function startDrag(){
   // Code logic for fixing the positioning issue

Thank you all for your assistance!

Answer №1

From what I gathered from your message, it seems like you are searching for:

    axis: 'y',
    containment: 'parent',
    start: function() {
    stop: function() {

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