Issue with jquery curvy corners not functioning properly on Internet Explorer 8

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If you view the page in IE8 and then in IE7 compatibility mode, you'll notice a strange issue. The box on the right disappears in IE8 but displays perfectly rounded corners in IE7.

I am currently using the jQuery Curvy Corners plugin developed by Mike Jolley. You can find more information about the plugin at: or

Any thoughts on why this is happening? Your help is much appreciated!

Thanks, Jason

Answer №1

If you're struggling with creating rounded corners, consider using the jQuery round corner plugin instead of giving up. I faced similar challenges but found a solution in this helpful tool.

Visit for more details

The jQuery round corner plugin is versatile and works smoothly across all browsers, including IE. It cleverly utilizes nested divs to draw corners in IE without relying on images. Additionally, it supports native border-radius rounding in modern browsers like Opera 10.5+, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome by setting a css property as needed.

How to Implement:

To use the plugin, ensure you include jQuery and the Corner js script before closing </body>. Write your jQuery code, such as $('div, p').corner('10px');, and place it before ''. You can customize round corners for specific elements by targeting their IDs or classes using $('#myid').corner();.

    <div class="x"></div>
    <p class="y"></p>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script>$('div, p').corner();</script>

Try out a working example at

Answer №2

I just discovered a peculiar clue while using IE8 - the content within that specific div seems to disappear after undergoing jQuery processing. Instead of the expected text, the div labeled "border-pink box drawn" now only houses another div with two empty ones inside. Interestingly, upon inspecting the DOM, the original "Reward your tastebuds..." message is nowhere to be found.


In addition to this discovery, I also stumbled upon a javascript error. You may find this related discussion thread helpful:

It appears that checking your filters could provide some insights into resolving these issues.

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