Issue with hiding div using jQuery's length option

I'm currently using Drupal 7.0 along with the Galleria Javascript Image Gallery in fullscreen theme. My theme includes two navigation buttons, and here is the CSS code for them:

.galleria-image-nav {
  height: 159px;
  opacity: 0.8;
  position: fixed;
  right: 0;
  top: 65%;
  width: 82px;
  z-index: 11000;

My goal is to hide these navigation buttons with a fadeout effect when the browser reaches a width of 960px. Here is my attempted JavaScript code:

if ( $(".galleria-image-nav").length > 0 ) {
  if ( w_width < 960 ) {
  } else {

However, this function is not working as expected. Can anyone help me identify the problem? Thank you. (Apologies for any language errors.)

Answer №1

$(window).resize(function() {
  if ( $(".gallery-image-nav").length > 0 ) {
     if ( $(window).width() < 1200 ) {
     else {

That code snippet seems like it could do the trick!

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