Issue with Chrome regarding fixed position when using 3D transforms

I have a header that is fixed in position and a content area with various 3d transforms using Isotope

<header style="position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0">

<div class="isotope">
   // Here is where the 3d transforms occur

You can view my demo here -

Although the fiddle appears fine, if you copy the 'result' html from the iframe and run it as a document in Chrome/Canary, an issue will arise.

To help visualize the problem, it's recommended to enable "Composited render layer borders" under chrome://flags/

Essentially, when you scroll and the fixed header overlaps with a 3d layer, Chrome also turns it into a 3d layer causing a disruption in the style/layout.

You may notice that the fixed header becomes indented and transformed into a 3d layer itself during scrolling.

This issue does not occur in browsers like Firefox or Internet Explorer. Is this a known bug, and what steps can I take to prevent this from happening?

Answer №1

To resolve the issue with the 'broken' elements, it may be helpful to apply the following style to their container:

-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
-webkit-perspective: 1000;

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