Issue with Chrome on android causing local website javascript and css to not load properly

The issue I am experiencing is unique to Chrome for Android when accessing a local website.

Interestingly, the site functions perfectly on Firefox for Android but encounters problems on Chrome.

Specifically, on my website , there is a download link for a zip file.

Here's my process:

  1. I download the file to the local file system (not SSD - external storage presents another issue!)
  2. After unzipping the package, I navigate to the site in local storage using File Commander
  3. When I open the HTML file with Chrome, only the HTML content loads - CSS, JS, images, and fonts are not displayed.

It seems like there may be an issue with relative paths causing this problem?

However, it's worth noting that Firefox does not have this issue.

A viable workaround is using Firefox, although you do need to input a specific path: "file:///storage/emulated/0/..../...html" But... Considering Chrome is predominantly used on Android devices, it's frustrating that local sites don't work as expected :/

Answer №1

Instead of using file explorer, you'll need to manually input the path in the address bar like file:///sdcard/Download.... Using JS typically works with Chrome when dealing with local html files on my Galaxy S6.

Answer №2

After extensive trial and error, I have come to a solution that works:

  1. [recently updated in 2021] Switch to using Opera as Firefox may no longer be compatible.
  2. Transfer the folder containing your html/css/js files to local storage location (anywhere convenient).
  3. To access the site, use the following paths: [current version of Opera] file:///storage/0000-0000/MyFolder/index.html [for older versions of Firefox] file:///storage/emulated/0/myfolder/index.html

The main path to local storage is 'file:///storage/0000-0000/' OR 'file:///storage/emulated/0/'. If your folder is nested further down, adjust 'myfolder' to reflect the correct directory structure, such as /somefolder1/somesubfolder/.../ etc.

It's unfortunate that this workaround seems to be the only way to develop a web browser app for Android devices.

Answer №3

You can easily achieve this by using a HTTP server application on your smartphone.

One option is to use the SimpleHttpServer app.

Simply configure the "Document Root" within the app settings to point to the folder where your HTML files are stored. Start the server and you will be provided with a local link.
Click on the link and select the HTML file you wish to display.

If you have specified your assets using relative paths, those assets will also be loaded properly.

Answer №4

It appears that Chrome only accesses local files from the directory


Answer №5

I finally found a solution that worked for me on Android - using the HTTP Web Server app (specifically, Simple HTTP Server).

No luck with different browsers: In April 2021, I experimented with installing various browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and even Opera on my Android device, but none of them solved my issue. Whenever I tried to access HTML/JS files using local `file:///` URLs such as `file:///sdcard/` or `file:///storage/emulated/0/`, the browsers only displayed folders without showing any files. It wasn't until I used the absolute path to the HTML file that the browsers utilized the `content:///` protocol to display static HTML content, preventing the execution of JavaScript code.

Answer №6

When using Android OS version 7, I encountered the need to open a local HTML file with CSS and JavaScript in the Google Chrome browser (version 64.0.3282.123). Surprisingly, in order to do this, I had to enter file://localhost/sdcard/ into the address bar before navigating to the file location. Despite specifying sdcard in the address, the browser opened the internal storage instead of the actual removable SD card present on my device.

Answer №7

Recently, I have encountered a similar issue as well. Chrome is currently not able to link to other files on the device directly. However, you can still incorporate JavaScript and CSS using <script> and <style> tags in your web page. Unfortunately, for files such as images, audio, videos, etc., accessing them on Android without a server established by third-party apps remains a challenge.

Answer №8

While using Chrome on my Android 10 budget tablet, I have encountered persistent issues when trying to access CSS and JavaScript files.

Attempts to set a base href tag for the root directory search, which usually works on Windows/Linux systems, have failed on my tablet.

Even specifying absolute paths like "file:///sdcard/projects/test1/" in the css link and script tags has proven unsuccessful on my tablet, despite working on desktops and laptops.

It seems that Chrome on Android flat out refuses to load any additional resources from local directories no matter what workaround is attempted.

One potential solution could involve setting up a web server on the Android device and accessing files through localhost, though there's uncertainty about the success of this approach given Chrome's restrictive behavior towards locally sourced code.

Considering switching to Firefox for tablet testing as a less troublesome alternative to dealing with Chrome's limitations, especially since even attempting to use Firefox has hit a roadblock on Android 10.

Even storing resource files in the suggested directory "file:///sdcard/Android/data/" did not yield positive results.

In conclusion, testing home written web code with CSS and JavaScript files on Android tablets appears to be virtually impossible without installing a web server, highlighting the stringent restrictions imposed by the operating system on such activities.

Answer №9

  1. Download a text editing app called Acode from the Play Store.
  2. Navigate to your local file storage and select your .html file, then long press on it.
  3. After long pressing on the .html file, you will see additional options on the left side of your phone screen.
  4. Choose the "open with" option from the menu.
  5. Select Acode as the text editor to open the file.
  6. Once the html file is open in the Acode editor, preview it within the app. That's all! It should work perfectly. (Please excuse any language errors)

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