The issue I am experiencing is unique to Chrome for Android when accessing a local website.
Interestingly, the site functions perfectly on Firefox for Android but encounters problems on Chrome.
Specifically, on my website , there is a download link for a zip file.
Here's my process:
- I download the file to the local file system (not SSD - external storage presents another issue!)
- After unzipping the package, I navigate to the site in local storage using File Commander
- When I open the HTML file with Chrome, only the HTML content loads - CSS, JS, images, and fonts are not displayed.
It seems like there may be an issue with relative paths causing this problem?
However, it's worth noting that Firefox does not have this issue.
A viable workaround is using Firefox, although you do need to input a specific path: "file:///storage/emulated/0/..../...html" But... Considering Chrome is predominantly used on Android devices, it's frustrating that local sites don't work as expected :/