Issue with changing the opacity of a Javascript button style is not functioning correctly

The button's opacity used to change gradually in increments of 0.1 every 500 milliseconds, but now it instantly changes to 0.9 without the delay.

Issue: Despite being placed within a window load handler and all elements loading properly, the loop is not providing the expected 500 milliseconds break. Instead, the button's opacity jumps straight to 0.9.

var interval = window.setInterval(login(),500);
var button=document.getElementById("login_btn");
var opacity = 0.1;
function login(){
    if(opacity >= 0.9){

Answer №1

Ensure the first parameter in the setInterval function is a function.

Instead of passing the return value (which is undefined) of calling login as the argument, simply pass the login function itself to avoid immediate execution.

To resolve this issue, remove the parentheses () when calling the function.

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