issue with animation occurs when the value changes while the setTimeout timer is still running

function wallpaperMediaPropertiesListener(event) {

    // reset animation
    test.css('margin-left', 0);
    // set song title.
    var testWidth = test.outerWidth();
    // clone text
    if (testWidth > $('#line1').width()) {
        test.clone().css({'margin-left': gap, 'font-size': '1.05vh'}).removeClass().addClass('test-copy').insertAfter(test);
    // move text
    let speed = 5;
    function shiftingAnimation() {
        let timer = setTimeout(() => {
            test.animate({'margin-left': -(testWidth + gap)}, {
            duration: Math.abs((testWidth + gap) * 100 / speed),
            easing: 'linear',
            complete: function () {
                test.css({'margin-left': 0});
        }, 3000);

    // first execution
    if (testWidth > $('#line1').width()) {
        setTimeout(shiftingAnimation, 3000);


event.title returns the name of the song currently playing. The wallpaperMediaPropertiesListener function is triggered when there is a change in the song.

The animation starts after a 3-second delay when testWidth is greater than #line1 width. Once the animation ends, it repeats itself with a 3-second delay each time. If the event.title value changes, the animation resets and starts from the initial 3-second delay again.

However, the issue arises when the event.title value changes during the 3-second delay. The animation is applied regardless of whether the condition (testWidth > #line1) is true or false, and it appears to be using the previous testWidth for the animation.

Answer №1

Make sure to pass the event title as a parameter, not the entire event object:

1 - When calling your function, include only the event.title


Then proceed with the following code snippet:

`function wallpaperMediaPropertiesListener(title) {

// reset the animation
test.css('margin-left', 0);

// set the song title
var testWidth = test.outerWidth();

// clone text if too wide
if (testWidth > $('#line1').width()) {
    test.clone().css({'margin-left': gap, 'font-size': '1.05vh'}).removeClass().addClass('test-copy').insertAfter(test);

// move the text
let speed = 5;
function shiftingAnimation() {
    let timer = setTimeout(() => {
        test.animate({'margin-left': -(testWidth + gap)}, {
        duration: Math.abs((testWidth + gap) * 100 / speed),
        easing: 'linear',
        complete: function () {
            test.css({'margin-left': 0});
    }, 3000);

// initiate the animation
if (testWidth > $('#line1').width()) {
    setTimeout(shiftingAnimation, 3000);


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